Our Story

AgSensor Solutions provides a bridge to commercialization for sensor creators through the collaborative efforts of three established firms. Too often, promising research fails to make the transition to a successful product because creators lack integrated developmental services and assistance. Our platform offers outstanding technology productization support and extends to market understanding, business model appraisal, and capital raise support.

The AgSensor Solutions Platform

The AgSensor Solutions platform works with innovative or disruptive sensor technologies to commercialize them in agriculture. The platform founders offer extensive experience in Internet of Things (IoT) productization and ag market access. Participants benefit from the group’s expertise in product development, business structure, and demand analytics. The result is to focus effort and speed products to market.

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current state of sensor development

The Current State of Sensor Development

With the growth of the IoT and Cloud Analytics there has been an explosion in efforts to develop sensors with biological applications. This has come from established companies, multiple start-ups, and as the output of academic research. The path to market success for many developers in this space, however, has proven to be Hobbesian—nasty, brutish, and short.
We see that as both unfortunate and unnecessary. Many of the ideas are good, the technologies sound, and the needs and markets apparent. We believe that what is missing in many cases is a systematic process that aids in the progress from idea to prototype to commercialization. AgSensor Solutions provides that systematic process and the concrete, practical assistance that is needed to reach success.

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Why the Focus on Agriculture

Our focus on agriculture is driven by both market need and market gaps. The need to produce greater amounts of food, fuel, and fiber is clear. The resources, both natural and human, that can be devoted to this, however, are increasingly reaching limits. We believe that sensor technology can and should play a significant role in supporting and amplifying those resources. However, while the amount of spending on agricultural research has grown exponentially over the past 20 years, the basic research is often not paired with a similar emphasis on development. As a result, technology is created but does not reach its potential as a commercialized product.

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What We Do

AgSensor Solutions is a platform for faster, better sensor commercialization. Our process works with you to mutually overcome challenges and eliminate or mitigate the downside impacts. We are a collection of teams with extensive experience and expertise in IoT, cloud analytics, embedded systems development, agricultural market demand and analytics, and business and investment structure. Not every client will need every service the platform offers, but we expect that most will need more than one element to arrive at effective sensor commercialization.

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What Next Generation Ag Sensors Must Do

  • Reduce Human Involvement
  • Decrease Lag Time
  • Expand direct measurements
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Photo courtesy of USDA ARS

We serve agriculture as a target rich environment for sensor development and use. Improved sensors are needed for all of the following:

improved sensors

Bacteria, virus, and fungus prevention, presence, and control

  • Carbon sequestration
  • Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) issues
  • Crop ripeness and harvest window
  • Food safety
  • GMO and pesticide/herbicide/fungicide containment
  • Grain storage and movement
  • Nitrate levels and runoff
  • Soil moisture, compaction, and health
  • Weed and insect presence and pressure
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The Roadblocks Sensor Developers Face

We have identified at least 14 challenges that sensor developers can expect to meet as they attempt to enter the ag space. Each of these has a significant potential downside impact.


  • Inexperience with overall product development process and resources required
  • Limited access to multi-disciplined design engineering resources
  • Heavy reliance on off-the-shelf instrumentation such as potentiostats
  • Poor data collection and visualization tools
  • Lack means to validate field measures early in the development process
  • Unable to define and construct an effective proof of concept
  • Limited access to pre-existing IP that can be used short or long-term, especially IoT IP
  • How to effectively communicate why their technology matters

Downside Impact

  • Product never gets to market or misses critical window of opportunity
  • Increased product development cost and the need to program manage the work packages
  • Complicated to use, can result in inconsistent data, costly, limits field testing
  • Stretches time to develop and test algorithms, impedes demonstration of efficacy
  • Real-world effects could significantly affect performance, feasibility, and expectations
  • Precious funds can be misspent with the proof of concept not actually proving what is critical to proving value
  • Increased development cost from “reinventing the wheel”
  • Potential Investors and potential users do not get clear picture of potential benefits and marketability

Who AgSensor Solutions Will Work With

We are seeking firms or individuals who meet the following criteria:

  1. Can demonstrate financial viability and solvency
  2. Possess robust, protected intellectual property with clear value
  3. Have established a culture that is flexible and open to working toward good solutions, can take advice, and is willing to move quickly toward commercialization
  4. Show evidence of early testing/data that demonstrates the efficacy of their application
  5. Are addressing a market that has a demonstrated need, a favorable size, and whose competitive environment is conducive to new entry
Photo courtesy of USDA ARS

What You Can Expect From the AgSensor Solutions Platform

In short, the platform revolves around three elements:

1) Sensor productization, 2) Agriculture business development and market analytics, and 3) Investment structure and advice.

We don’t make sensors; we make sensors work as solutions in agricultural markets. 

AgSensor Solutions is not a sensor manufacturer. It is a platform for faster, better sensor commercialization. Our process works with you to mutually overcome the 14 challenges and eliminate or mitigate the downside impacts. We are a collection of senior people with extensive experience and expertise in IoT, cloud analytics, embedded systems development, agricultural market demand and analytics, and business and investment structure. Not every client will need every service the platform offers, but we expect that most will need more than one element to arrive at effective sensor commercialization. 

Does that sound like it would be of value as you move your technology to commercialization?


    Why the Focus on Agriculture

    In short, the platform revolves around three elements: 1) Sensor productization, 2) Agriculture business development and market analytics, and 3) Investment structure and advice. We don’t make sensors; we make sensors work as solutions in agricultural markets.
    Agsensor Solutions is not a sensor manufacturer. It is a platform for faster, better sensor commercialization. Our process works with you to mutually overcome the 14 challenges and eliminate or mitigate the downside impacts. We are a collection of senior people with extensive experience and expertise in IoT, cloud analytics, embedded systems development, agricultural market demand and analytics, and business and investment structure. Not every client will need every service the platform offers, but we expect that most will need more than one element to arrive at effective sensor commercialization.
    Does that sound like it would be of value as you move your technology to commercialization?

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